As a leader, how would I know, this is the right decision?
You are a leader by profession & passion 🙂 ? And still, you might ask yourself:
How would I know, this is the right decision / the one strategy to success / the very next step to take?
This article explains how to use your inner intuition to get a strong foundation in your decision making process without neglecting cognitive analysis, natural science and economic rationale!
I am convinced that Albert Einstein had the guts!
„The intuitive mind is a gift and the rational mind a faithful servant.
We have created a society that honours the servant and has forgotten the gift.“
Albert Einstein
VUCA – multifactorial influence of complex dynamics
What to do, when decision making turns out to become more and more difficult in a world that tends to be even more VUCA each day… volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous…?
How is it possible to get all the relevant information needed? How to analyse figures and trends that are continuously being influenced by complex dynamics…
Living in a multifactorial world how would you know by 100% that this the right way to go?
Intuition is an insight, an instinct and a gut, which helps us to set in sound proportion and into reliable context any given data analysis, scientific findings, given facts and cognitive rationale. Experience matters!! Well-versed pilots have proven this many times in their life-saving intuitive decision-making within seconds in situations of crisis.
Intuitively finding ways out – when in conflict between the needs of people and businesses
Being responsible for the success of the company and the good of many people, what to do when business decisions from the top do not any more mirror your personal values?
Can you align, adapt yourself; find ways out, creative solutions for the good of all? What, if you reach a point, where you realize that certain underlying paradigms might backfire in the end?
What, if such a development would counteract all sustainable economic success in the medium and long term?
There are no easy answers to these questions… and not at all any blueprint!
What, if we could come to different convincing authentic conclusions? And still respect the limits of each individual … I bear witness, Nature shows us inwardly how to deal with that! Agile team and project work also deeply need intution along their processes.
The more we feel under pressure, the faster we turn in the hamster wheel! This often leads to a self-optimization trap and overload trap, which we then fall into… Many committed young people as well as experienced managers and dedicated entrepreneurs with whom I work, find themselves there – often for a long time without even noticing it… I sometimes fall in myself… . Surprisingly, we then experience this not-met strong paradigm of „always higher, further, faster“ often as individual failure, as a manifest of personal deficiency rather than a exaggerated demand upon and within us, that counteracts in the end sustainable lifes for ourselves and the planet we live on.
Resilience through Nature helps us to find our way back to our inner intuition
The challenges of the recent years have revealed to me even more how experiencing oneself within nature lends wings to our inner development and self-confidence. Nature does not judge, inspires this sense of being ok with myself and thus helps strengthening our resources and qualities. That’s why we can do a better job being balanced through experimenting with whatever serves as a sound source to us for revitalization: music, writing, painting, arts, gardening, meditation, yoga/ Qi gong, also dancing or mindful sport…
I observe and experience myself that Nature does not only lead the path to our intuition and voice within, but even more may lead the paths beyond ourselves. A silent relationship with nature, that lends wings to accepting myself inwardly. We explore being connected with the planet, we walk on, sensing the earth and the sky… for some even a sense of heaven… Whatever spiritual dimension… this helps us to get inspired by something greater than we are and that we belong to as human beings, an unlimited source to nourish our resources. Leading based on intuition and perceptible meta-physical inspiration, this may help us to take better decisions… or at least – to better live with those we took!
I had the honour to stimulate, accompany and to witness deep transformation processes of Leaders when walking together through the countryside… from my part I offered listening by heart, being present and some creative but still simple experiments that help coming closer to oneself. Of course, I combine a wide range of sound professional formation with more than 20 years of experience in accompanying people along their inner development processes. My learning is: mutual trust & attitude on an equal footing count much more than any brilliant method!
The better we understand ourselves the more authentic and such stronger we may act in private and business life. By heart & inner sense we then know, which direction to head to and which next step to take. Top managers say they make 2/3 of their decisions intuitively – but often have to argue this differently towards the outside (see Einstein 🙂 .
Perceiving this work as fundamentally fulfilling, being thankful for the mutual trust involved and always getting inspired myself, I would like to invite You kindly to the following offers:
Experience the power of nature to help find your way –
My Offer (outdoor and/ or online – Services in German, upon request in English, Italian, Spanish)
Power Nap for the Soul – interactive webinar series
(first Thursday evening every month, just drop in short notice until Tuesday before) -
Nature-based Resilience: Guided experimental walking tours in small groups (on scheduled Saturdays, book until Wednesday before)
starting from Meersburg / Lake Constance
(also possible from Munich, Bavaria … upon request) -
Nature-based Resilience – One-Day-Special: Experimental outdoor Workshop + working with Horses
Nature-based Coaching – e.g. at the Lake side (click „See-Coaching„) or online
Nature-based Resilience Seminars (2,5 days)
Please contact me for more information!
Thankful for this appreciative Feedback:
The seminar and the Zoom contacts were and are always an enrichment for me. The empathetic, calm, trusting nature was very good for me and brought me a very big step forward. I am very happy to further stay in touch.